Our firm was established with the aim of assembling for business and private clients the best services in the fields of economics, actuarial and finance, which serve us as a scientific tool for examining economic issues in the business world and legal perspectives in legal proceedings, while striving to find professional and personal service for client, from the first step until of his full will and becoming our good will ambassador.
Our dedicated and professional care to our clients is made possible thanks to the team of experts available, who have served in senior positions in the Israeli economy, providing their experience and knowledge in various fields, including in the field of economics, finance, accounting, law, real estate, consulting and business support and Ad hok joining experts.
We work in cooperation with the leading law firms and accounting firms in Israel, and provide professional assistance to their clients, in full cooperation with the client’s needs.
The relationship with the client begins with a personal introductory meeting, where we learn about his needs, present our thoughts regarding to the case, and adjust expectations, to give the client the best for his needs, while adhering to the professional methodologies and the most advanced methods in each field. From this stage, a contact is available to the client, who accompanies him all the way. Our activity ends with the delivery of the service to the client and its approval (actually, in most cases the relationship lasts for years…).
The firm’s founder, Yossi Dekel, established it with the aim of providing a personal service at the “boutique” level and with the highest professional quality used in Israel and around the world.
The decision to establish the activity, was made after his extensive business involvement in Israel and abroad in initiating, establishing, and managing various projects and striving for a firm, that provides economic and business services, while striving for excellence and tailoring services to the client’s needs, accurately and uncompromisingly. To this end, a leading team of professionals in his field has been selected, providing personal and professional service, according to the highest standards.
Dekel has previously and currently served in senior positions in the Israeli economy, including CEO of several companies in the technology and medical device fields, as a member of Boards of Directors, Vice President of a banking corporation in the field of business credit, and served as head of Anti-Money Laundering, Vice President and District Manager at a public Insurance Company and more. He also serves as a valued Business Valuator and is a member of the Board of the Israel Association of Valuators and Financial Actuaries (IAVFA) and its active CEO, serves as an expert appointed by the courts of law in Israel, or through litigants, provides Expert Witness Reports in Economics and Actuary, as a Qualified Business Mediator, appointed by the courts, or by the mediating parties, a Business Consultant for companies and businesses, and more.
Dekel serves, among others, as Chairman of the Dispute Resolution Committee, in the Board of the Haifa and North Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and as a Consultant to the Chamber of Commerce, CEO of Israel Association of Valuators and Financial Actuaries, served as CEO of a Business Center in the Israel Ministry of Economy and Industry, as a lecturer, as an Economic Reporter, and published a column in the international FORBES magazine, and has also published and continues to do so, a long line of professional articles in journals, on his specialty.
In his public activities, Dekel contributes to the community and society through membership in the International Rotary Organization and professional assistance to the Friends of Haifa University and in promoting academic education and research in Israel.
During his military service in the regular service and in the reserve, Dekel served in senior command positions in special forces.
You are welcome to talk to Yossi Dekel on topics that interest you at: 972-54-4972205
Or send an email: info@yossidekel.co.il