Business Valuation
Experts in business and enterprises valuation, in the fields of trade, services, industry, technology and start-up companies, for various purposes, such as: Merger and Acquisition, raising capital for a company, obtaining credit, issuing private or public capital, transactions between owner’s shares, at the request of the Tax Authority, as an expert witness report for court, in commercial disputes or for divorcing spouses, and more.
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Expert Witness Report
We specialize in expert witness for court and for the purposes of legal arbitration and mediation cases, on a wide range of Economic issues, Actuarial calculations, Business Valuations, Management, Pensions, Banking, Insurance, Balancing Resources between divorcing spouses, Compensation for bodily injuries and more, and are part of the court’s pool of experts. We also appear before the courts and in arbitration and mediation proceedings to provide expert testimony in support of the report.
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Business Mediation
Disputes between people, whether of a business or personal nature, can usually be resolved more quickly, at a lower cost and under the control of the parties, when litigating outside the court. We will provide you with a team of experienced and successful mediators, consisting entirely of ‘people of people’, who understand the hearts of the mediation parties and strive for a quick resolution of the conflict, to their satisfaction, while presenting proven successes. We also offer dispute resolution by way of arbitration.
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Business plans
Whether you are an entrepreneur of a new venture or owning mature company, a Business Plan is an important tool, through which deep thinking is given to the various business aspects and translated into a plan, which is a ‘beacon’ for realizing the business. We carry out business plans for the purpose of raising capital, raising credit, creating a business strategy, developing new areas of activity and more, and assist you present the venture or company, in a professional and convincing manner.
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Business Feasibility Study
Investing in a new business, developing a new business activity in an existing business, or any business decision, requires a feasibility study, in order to reduce the risk and provide the owner with a professional and objective examination of the feasibility of the venture. If you are in a process of business acquisition, a professional and experienced team will perform Due Diligence for you, analyze the business in aspects of: Economic, Accounting and Legal aspects and submit a detailed report on the state of the business and its viability.
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Business Consulting
We often hear from business owners the sentence: ‘Business works well but at the end of the day, we see no money in the bank’, CEOs of companies, testify that in moments of truth, they feel alone in making decisions and were interested in sharing their thoughts with a professional personality. For these situations and more, there is a team of experienced business consultants, with proven success in various areas of business consulting and company improvement, that willing to put all his energy and knowledge, gained in consulting and accompanying hundreds of business entities – for your success.
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